Loan Types Comparison

TL;DR : available on Twitter here

Choose the amount, low dynamic interest. No time limit, but keep an eye on FP for health.

Fixed amount and interest rate for short duration. FP doesn't matter, just repay before expiration.

Higher loan to value (LTV) and lower fixed Interest for short duration. FP doesn't matter, just repay before expiration.

Comparing Perpetual loans, Flip loans and Bonds (higher LTV loans)





No expiration period: loan can last forever if kept healthy

Fixed expiration: up to 7D or 14D. But borrower can repay earlier

Fixed expiration: up to 7D or 14D. But borrower can repay earlier

Custom LTV: between 0% and 40%, picked by user at the time of loan

Fixed LTV: between 20% and 50% on a per-collection basis

Custom LTV: between 40% and 100%, picked by user at the time of loan

Variable interest rate: based on utilization of lending pool throughout the loan's lifetime (accruing every second)

Fixed interest rate: based on utilization of the lending pool at the time of loan

Fixed Interest rate : based on the cheapest offers from lenders for the chosen LTV %

Linear fees accrual every second

Linear fees accrual every 24H

Nonlinear fee accrual

Borrower can pay (part of the) Interest anytime

Borrower pays the Interest when repaying his loan

Borrower pays the Interest when repaying his loan

1% upfront fee at loan creation

No upfront fee at loan creation

Up to 2% upfront fee at loan creation

Default and liquidation can occur if the loaned NFTs floor price drops below the health threshold land is not repaid within the 12h grace period

Default and liquidation can only occur by not paying back within the period

Default and liquidation can only occur by not paying back within the period. Lender has option to get defaulted collateral instead of SOL for fully funded loans

Real time discord alerts warn of imminent default (24H in advance) and executed liquidations

Real time discord alerts warning of loan expiry (24H in advance) and executed liquidations

Real time discord alerts warning of loan expiry (24H in advance) and executed liquidations

Last updated